Give your body a Clean Slate!
Environmental toxins are an everyday exposure. No matter how careful you are, it is a plain fact that we are exposed through the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and everything that touches our skin. […]
The Lymph and Armpit Detox
Let’s talk about an armpit detox: The lymph nodes in the armpit are part of the endocrine system, the most sensitive part of the body.Deodorant is the number one cause of poisoning the lymphatic system, the lymph nodes of the […]
The Trinity dosing by The Root Brands
The Trinity dosing from The Root Brands (with some community tips & tricks) This guide is a combined effort between The Root Brands and The Detox Girls community to offer the most amount of insight into getting started with The […]
What Does It Mean To Have A Leaky Gut?
Leaky Gut also known as intestinal permeability is a digestive condition where toxins can ‘leak’ through the intestinal wall. What does that mean? Your digestive lining has little holes in it. Those holes allow undigested proteins to get into the […]
What if it’s not depression?
Depression: Have you ever woken up and thought ‘I’m depressed?’ What if we woke up each morning and changed our way of thinking:“I wonder what is toxic in my body and what neurotransmitters are lacking that I could support?” THAT […]
Inflammation: Your body is on fire, internally
Study: Inflammatory responses and inflammation-associated diseases in organs Inflammation is a hot topic these days. Time after time, you hear “inflammation is the cause of illness and disease.” But WAIT, we challenge you to think deeper….what is that causes inflammation? […]
Adjuvant Overview
What is an ADJUVANT? Definition: An immunological agent that increase the antigenic response. Sometimes called: EXCIPIENT Definition: A substance formulated alongside the active ingredient of a mediation. What are some examples of Adjuvants:Egg ProteinsFormaldehydeNeomycinMonosodium GlutamateAluminum HydroxideAluminum PhosphateAmmonium SulfateUraniumThimersol (Mercury)Anti foaming […]
Detox 101: Understanding Detoxification and the Importance of Regenerative Support
Are you new to Detox? Need a refresher? This is where to begin and to gain an understanding of the importance of not only detoxification but also regeneration. The Detox Girls provide an in-depth, yet easy-to-understand explanation of the body’s […]