
What to expect when starting Clean Slate

This is one of our top questions for those starting on their Detox Journey and yet one of the hardest to answer…

We aren’t sure how your personal detox journey will go, but here are some experiences that our community finds to be helpful:

  1. The Goal is to Listen to YOUR body. We empower YOU to decide how you feel, how much you need, and how you feel it is going.  We wish we had a ‘plug-in’ so we could know how you feel – maybe someday – we know you can do it!!
  2. Start slow but stay steady.  These products work effectively, even on day 1.  More is not always better for everyone; your body will advise you how much you need – if you listen!
  3. Read back through The Detox Girls ebook and follow the dosing suggestion, adjusting for your own personal needs. Some people need 1 drop, others need 10 – there is no right or wrong answer. (Our Ebook was sent to you via email after you registered your account. Didn’t receive it? Email:, subject line: Ebook request. Be sure to include your first & last name, email and user name. )
  4. Clean Slate can be taken under the tongue or in water – with or without food. **For those who are sensitive or have a high level of toxicity, you may benefit from putting 1 drop of clean slate in 8-16 ounces of water and sip throughout the day.  We have heard of community members who place 1 drop of Clean Slate in 16 ounces of water and use 1 Tablespoon of the dilution in 8 ounces of water.  Although this may seem extremely slow, each individual does best when listening to their own needs. 
  5. Clean Slate can be taken 2 hours away from medications – ALWAYS check with your doctor and pharmacist for any specific questions and advice.
  6. Be consistent and set reminders if needed. 
  7. DRINK WATER!!!!  Detox takes support and drinking clean water will flush those toxins out faster and prevent dehydration If you have detox symptoms such as headaches and constipation, think Hydration first.
  8. Do not mistake drinking soda, coffee, tea, or juice with drinking water.  8 glasses of water per day is on top of anything else you drink.
  9. If you experience any Detox Symptoms you have 2 choices:  Lower the dosage for a slower, lesser detox. OR  Increase your dosage to speed the detox along.  We have heard a few of the ISNS doctors state that they encourage increasing the dose rather than decreasing it.  Use your intuition and do what you feel is best. 
  10. 5 possible detox symptoms:
    1. Constipation – increase water intake and use ReStore
    2. Headache – increase water intake and add Sea Salt under the tongue for even more minerals. 
    3. Skin breakouts – increase water intake, use Clean Slate, and Restore topically.  Skin is a detox organ and is the path of least resistance.
    4. Fatigue – increase water intake, try to rest as your body may need it, and adjust your drops to suit your ability to rest (evening/night)
    5. Any other general feeling can be a detox symptom.  Your body is coming alive and removing toxins so that it can begin to work better!  Like going to the gym and working out your muscles can cause you to be achy, tired, and sore – as can your cells during detox
  11. The Detox Girls do not and will not give any medical advice, nor do we make any claims for prevention, cure, or mitigate illness and disease (please refer back to the disclaimer that you agreed to upon entry to our website and PMA) please reach out to your medical provider for any medical concerns or questions.  

We hope this information helps The Detox Girls and Root Community.

Looking to order Clean Slate?  Please click here to access our referral code thedetoxgirls 

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